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MedStrong: Shed Your Meds for a Better, Healthier You
Bartlett, Donna
Paperback original edition. WELLhood Publishing, Paxton, MA.
Includes index.
LCCN 2022903313
ISBN 978-1-7377563-0-9 ISBN 978-1-7377563-1-6 (ebook)
MEDICAL: Pharmacology/Drug Guide
Classification: LCC: RM300-666 DDC: 615.4
Editor: Tammy Ditmore, eDitmore Editorial Services
Design: Chris Mole’, Book Savvy Studio
MedStrong: Shed Your Meds for a Better Healthier You-Aging Well through Deprescribing has been endorsed by the American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) Foundation.
Foreword written by: Chad Worz, PharmD, BCGP, FASCPExecutive Director and Chief Executive Officer American Society of Consultant Pharmacists (ASCP) ASCP FoundationEmpowering pharmacistsTransforming Aging